7_ I accuse

Welcome to The_Lebanon_Scene:
‪#‎Garbage‬ piling on the streets,
Tens of ‪#‎INGOs‬ in the country with mandates worth millions un-concerned, unquestioned.
A state drowning in its own filth, unresponsive, inefficient...
No ‪#‎workplan‬ ‪#‎no_strategy‬ ‪#‎NOTHING‬. Failure but stupid persistence.
The people on the street.
The drowning street... and rain is coming soon. Imagine the catastrophe!‪#‎greenepeace‬ ‪#‎anyone‬ ‪#‎yoooo‬
The Political corps moves to resolve the garbage problem ?
To initiate measures that will put an end to corruption?
To confess its own inefficiency and beg people's forgiveness?
The Lebanese Political crass euh class, Corrupt class, Filthy rich class, immoral class moves to ...claim ISIS has infiltrated the mass of demonstrators!
ISIS… Who? ISIS… what? ISIS for real?
Wait that is not the end... Now let's mainstream the bad joke that it becomes world News:
Bring ‪#‎Hollande‬ and ‪#‎Cameron‬ to the Table ( and they came running) and warn them... guess what? ISIS is among ‪#‎refugees‬ too!
YEs fellow European Who might think we are in this together... Who might agree with me that this is a World order we don't want, Yes Fellow European Do not rage against This Order, Because... well because ISIS is coming for you. Just Like AlQaeda did!
What ??? Not convinced yet ? no problem They will make sure you believe it.
They will explode a bomb here and there, they will film the gory thing and air it over and over again ( deja vu ...yes but ull fall for it ) and here ?
Here? We are all at risk, because we know that masks fall off ugly creatures when the word ‪#‎terrorism‬ is pronounced…laws crumble so does the need to uphold them… Lights off, let’s start the crushing.
But I have my words … and #I_Accuse

‪#‎I_Accuse_the_government_of_Lebanon‬ ( and ruling political class) of corruption, fraud, misuse and theft of public property
#I_Accuse_the_government_of_Lebanon of ‪#‎endangering_public_health‬,
#I_Accuse_the_government_of_Lebanon of ‪#‎promoting_hatred‬,‪#‎sectarianism‬ and ‪#‎inciting_people_to_war‬,
#I_Accuse_the_government_of_Lebanon (including Parliament and all political ruling class) of ‪#‎hijacking_the_Republic‬ and going directly against the people’s will.
The Lebanese people expressed clearly and loudly its disgust with the self proclaimed un-elected parliament and its illegitimacy.
#I_Accuse_the_government_of_Lebanon , representative of warlords and thugs of beinr responsible for‪#‎every_drop_of_blood_that_could_be_and_would_be_and_have_been_shed‬ if they chose to persist in disregarding the People, and the Street. including any harm befalling citizens on hunger strike until government resigns.
#I_Accuse_the_government_of_Lebanon and #foreign_governments who chose to support it, of #conspiring_against_democracy_and_peoples_free_will
In solidarity,
16th September 2015


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